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Wellness Center Residents of the Month

December 20, 2018

With the end of the year drawing near, this month I wanted to discuss a new tradition that has begun at Carolina Bay. For each month that goes by, a resident is deemed the resident of the month. This is dependent on their drive, accomplishments and attendance each month, which is individually tracked. After being chosen, residents are interviewed about their lifestyle and in which ways they have been active both during their adult life as well as their life at Carolina Bay. From there, posters are created and hung in the Fitness Center. It is important to both honor the hard work of residents and to motivate others to do the same. Please read about our past few residents of the month below. I am so proud of each of them as well as all the residents active in the Wellness Center here at Carolina Bay. August 2018-Dutch O’Connell Dutch grew up in St. Louis Missouri with his younger brother, Dan. After graduating from Quincy University with a degree in Business Administration in 1955, he married Pat Feld. They have six children, twelve grandchildren and one great grandchild. Dutch worked in the D.C. area as the Manager of the Pricing Staff of the FAA. He recently moved into Carolina Bay in February 2018 after living at Caswell Beach for twenty-five years. Since his move, he has attended supervised swim, functional fitness, beginner balance, yoga and beginner water aerobics. After playing baseball and soccer growing up, he knew he had to keep active. He has lost about fifteen pounds since beginning classes and has been working on the flexibility of his IT band, stating the water aerobics have helped tremendously. When asked the secret to long life, he states, “Keep breathing. Keep going, you have to keep going and keep moving. ”His goal for the next year is to be able to walk without his buggy. Dutch always comes to class with such a positive attitude and works hard! Keep up the great work Dutch! September 2018-Jo Sblendorio Jo was born in Brooklyn, New York as the youngest of three children. She grew up in a lovely family, with wonderful parents, grandparents and siblings. Jo attended Brooklyn College where she studied teaching. She moved to New Jersey shortly after marrying. Jo went on to a business career, had one son and later three grandchildren. She retired at the age of 55 and opened her own business with her daughter-in-law. She loves to travel, both abroad as well as around the United States. Jo says she has always had a tendency towards working out but did not have a regular schedule. Jo said she specifically came to Carolina Bay because of the Wellness Center; she wanted to exercise on a daily basis. Now, one can say she has a regular exercise schedule attending water aerobics every day in addition to working out on her own in the fitness center. She has noticed something more and more… “Wellness is something you see all over television and when you read. The doctor is always happy to hear that you are working out. It’s a good indulgence. As you are getting older, it’s better for you mentally and physically.” Jo is a joy to have in classes, always smiling, always ready and always early. Keep it up Jo! October 2018-Beth and Ron Price Married in 2005, Beth and Ron combined a Yankee man with a Southern Belle. Ron grew up playing basketball, golf, baseball, and softball on Long Island, New York while Beth grew up playing field hockey and tennis in Richmond, Virginia. In fact, she still has a bruise from a field hockey game when she was in high school. Fitness was always important to both of them, but it was difficult finding time to fit it in during their adult life with their careers. With an Undergraduate degree in Home Management and a Master’s degree in Education and Interior Design, Beth worked as an Extension Agent while Ron worked as a Structural Test Engineer for both military and commercial aircraft. They have 8 children and 19 grandchildren between the two of them. When asked about the advice they would give to those not active, they said “try at least one thing this month…not for us…but as a favor for yourself.” They say they love the convenience of being able to participate in the exercise classes here at Carolina Bay. You can see them exercising in the pool in the mornings, followed by circuit training, yoga, biking club and balance class. I guess you can say they’re pretty active. Well done Beth and Ron! Thank you for always showing up with a smile on your face, a positive attitude and a kind aura. November 2018-Betty Gregg Betty was born in Ohio, but lived most of her younger life in Georgia. After attending Tucker high school, she received an internship at Grady Memorial where she learned the ins and outs of radiography. After many years working at Grady Memorial in Atlanta, she became an airline hostess for Delta. This year marks her and Gene’s 61st year of marriage together, they met in Miami and married in 1958. Together, they have one son and one daughter, both of whom now live in North Carolina, although they were raised in both NC and VA. Betty played basketball for most of her life and feels that exercise has always been something that makes her feel better. When asked what she would say to someone who is maybe not as active as they should be/could be, she says “keep moving. What is there if you don’t?” Betty certainly is one who keeps moving; attending almost 100 classes in the last two months, she says yoga certainly is her favorite because it allows exercise of the body but also the mind. You can see Betty pumping iron on the exercise machines in the afternoon, attending balance classes, tai chi, functional fitness and more! Keep it up Betty! You are an inspiration to us all! Thank you for your hard work.

Carolina Bay at Autumn Hall

630 Carolina Bay Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403


Bradley Creek Health Center

740 Diamond Shoals Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
